Cats are one of the most beloved pets in the world. For some who enjoy the company of a cat, the allergic reaction they get from them is too much to handle. They symptoms of such allergies include itchy skin, red and dry eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. However, if your allergies didn’t arise until after you had your cat for awhile, it can be very difficult to have to give it away.
There are several things you can do to make your allergy symptoms lessen so you will be able to keep your cat. The allergen is the dander from the cat that compiles around your house in the bedding, curtains, and on the furniture. Since most of us spend at least 6 hours per night in our bed, it only makes sense to stop letting your cat on your bed. This will eliminate pet dander while you are resting. It is also recommended that you shower before bed to remove any pet dander that may be on you before getting into bed. You may want to take it a step further, to not allow your cat in your bedroom at all. This will offer you a safe retreat when your allergy symptoms are flaring up.
If you have cat allergies, change your bedding weekly. Vacuum your carpets daily, and wash your curtains at least once a month. These things will all greatly remove the amount of dander in your home. Your vacuum should have a HEPA filter for best results.
It is always recommended to wash your hands after handling any pet. It is even more important if you have allergies. Simply touching your cat, then your face can leave you with an uncomfortable evening ahead. Use a micro fiber cloth to stroke your cat. This will eliminate more dander than a bath, and it is easier. If you still have trouble controlling your symptoms, seclude your cats to one area of the house.
Keeping yourself healthy is the important thing, but hanging on to your cat is also important. Following the basic steps listed here as well as talking to your doctor about allergy shots and medications should allow you to feel good and keep that beloved feline.

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Dog Allergies
Allergies affect millions of people each year. An allergy to pet dander is one of the most common types. They can cause you to feel very uncomfortable. Symptoms include watery eyes, dry mouth, and itchy skin. More severe symptoms include hives, asthma attacks, and difficulty breathing. Ironically, a person can have a dog for a length of time without any symptoms. Then suddenly, they begin. It never crosses their mind that the dog is the allergen.
If you want to keep your dog, but reduce the effects it has on you, a HEPA filter might be beneficial. It removes particles from the air. This will reduce the amount of dander around your home. Vacuum your carpet daily and your curtains monthly. This will reduce the dander in your home as well. Some people believe washing their dog daily will fight dander. That is not true. In fact, the more you bathe your dog, the more dander will appear. You should only wash your dog about once a month. If these things don’t reduce your symptoms enough to make you comfortable, consult your doctor about allergy shots or medications.
If you already suffer from allergies, but want to get a dog, consider a breed that sheds their skin slowly including poodles and schnauzers. The breeds that shed their skin the fastest and should be avoided include cocker spaniels and basket hounds. You might also consider getting an outdoor dog. This will reduce the symptoms you feel while in your home.
If you have to give your dog to a good home because your allergies are out of control, thoroughly vacuum and shampoo carpets. Wash your curtains and walls. Remove any toys and bedding the dog had contact with. Your allergy symptoms may continue for up to 3 months after this has all been done.
Allergies from your dog can be a nuisance, but they can be controlled by following these simple tips to make your home more agreeable with your allergies. Feeding your dog quality dog food can also reduce dander particles because it keeps their coat shiny and healthy.
If you want to keep your dog, but reduce the effects it has on you, a HEPA filter might be beneficial. It removes particles from the air. This will reduce the amount of dander around your home. Vacuum your carpet daily and your curtains monthly. This will reduce the dander in your home as well. Some people believe washing their dog daily will fight dander. That is not true. In fact, the more you bathe your dog, the more dander will appear. You should only wash your dog about once a month. If these things don’t reduce your symptoms enough to make you comfortable, consult your doctor about allergy shots or medications.
If you already suffer from allergies, but want to get a dog, consider a breed that sheds their skin slowly including poodles and schnauzers. The breeds that shed their skin the fastest and should be avoided include cocker spaniels and basket hounds. You might also consider getting an outdoor dog. This will reduce the symptoms you feel while in your home.
If you have to give your dog to a good home because your allergies are out of control, thoroughly vacuum and shampoo carpets. Wash your curtains and walls. Remove any toys and bedding the dog had contact with. Your allergy symptoms may continue for up to 3 months after this has all been done.
Allergies from your dog can be a nuisance, but they can be controlled by following these simple tips to make your home more agreeable with your allergies. Feeding your dog quality dog food can also reduce dander particles because it keeps their coat shiny and healthy.
Skin Allergies
Skin allergies are the result of many different factors. It may be a pet, a particular food, or a reaction to medications. Skin allergies can be embarrassing as well as itchy and painful. While they can’t be eliminated, they can be treated. There are several types of skin allergies.
Dermatis is the inflammation of skin. It is generally a rash resulting from contact with metals, chemicals, rubber, plants, and pets. Symptoms of dermatis are redness, swelling, burning, stinging, itching, and blisters. These symptoms generally appear on the face and hands.
Prickly heat can result in a rash that appears for no apparent reason. It can be itchy, and generally goes a way in a few days. Some people do not even feel it, but other notice it. This is common in small children who take medication for seasonal allergies. Often, the back is the only area to break out.
Uritcaria settles in the middle of the skin. It is caused by eating a food you are allergic to or a side effect of taking a medication. The area often looks burned because it is light red on the outer edges, and very red in the middle.
Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. The skin becomes dry, itchy, and flaky. A red rash and blisters often appear. It affects the face, arms, elbows, and the back of the knees. Eczema may be hereditary, but it is not known. The symptoms generally begin in childhood. People with eczema often experience hay fever and asthma as well. Eczema is the hardest skin allergy to treat.
Hives are red and itchy blotches. There are 2 types of hives. Acute hives last up to 6 weeks. They are caused by food allergies, medications, bug bites, and signs of diseases. Chronic hives are not very common. The last indefinitely, on and off over long periods of time. The cause is not known. Some doctors believe them to be stress related.
Skin allergies can be embarrassing and painful. They are time consuming to treat. It is recommended that you see a dermatologist for any skin discomfort. They can treat it with over the counter products such as Benedryl, cortisone creams, and allergy shots.
Dermatis is the inflammation of skin. It is generally a rash resulting from contact with metals, chemicals, rubber, plants, and pets. Symptoms of dermatis are redness, swelling, burning, stinging, itching, and blisters. These symptoms generally appear on the face and hands.
Prickly heat can result in a rash that appears for no apparent reason. It can be itchy, and generally goes a way in a few days. Some people do not even feel it, but other notice it. This is common in small children who take medication for seasonal allergies. Often, the back is the only area to break out.
Uritcaria settles in the middle of the skin. It is caused by eating a food you are allergic to or a side effect of taking a medication. The area often looks burned because it is light red on the outer edges, and very red in the middle.
Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. The skin becomes dry, itchy, and flaky. A red rash and blisters often appear. It affects the face, arms, elbows, and the back of the knees. Eczema may be hereditary, but it is not known. The symptoms generally begin in childhood. People with eczema often experience hay fever and asthma as well. Eczema is the hardest skin allergy to treat.
Hives are red and itchy blotches. There are 2 types of hives. Acute hives last up to 6 weeks. They are caused by food allergies, medications, bug bites, and signs of diseases. Chronic hives are not very common. The last indefinitely, on and off over long periods of time. The cause is not known. Some doctors believe them to be stress related.
Skin allergies can be embarrassing and painful. They are time consuming to treat. It is recommended that you see a dermatologist for any skin discomfort. They can treat it with over the counter products such as Benedryl, cortisone creams, and allergy shots.
Food Allergies
Food allergies are among the most dangerous types of allergies out there. It is the result of the immune system not reacting properly to certain foods, or certain ingredients in foods. The most common food allergies are nuts, milk, and eggs. Some people just feel ill when they consume something they are allergic to. Others experience swelling in the face, and swelling in the body, closing air paths. Hives and rashes are also very common.
Peanut allergies are said to be the worst. Not only do they cause the most severe symptoms, peanut oil is used in so many foods that the number of items that the person has to avoid can be very long. Last year, a teenage girl died. She had gone to the library to study with friends. Her boyfriend had eaten a peanut butter sandwich after school before joining them. He gave her a goodbye kiss at the library, and the reaction from the peanut oil swelled her throat shut. While it sounds extremely, sadly such occurrences do take place.
Very young children can have food allergies. It is recommended that you attach a list of any food allergies securely to the diaper bag. This will be a constant reminder to friends, family, and childcare providers. It is important children with food allergies are aware of the reasons why they can’t have certain foods. This will remind them to make the right food choices at school. It is important that your child’s principal and teachers know about the allergies as well. Often there are class parties, and if your child is tempted to eat food they are allergic to, the teacher can remind them.
The Internet is a wonderful place to find out about food allergies. The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network has an excellent website full of information. The organization was formed in 1991. It has over 30,000 members including families, dietitians, nurses, physicians, school administrators, teachers, government staff, and members of the food and drug administration. This diverse group works together to educate about food allergies by providing accurate information and heightening awareness. They carefully monitor TV, newspapers, and the news channels to be sure accurate information is being released to the public. They also lobby for further research to be done in the area of food allergies.
While there is no cure for food allergies that we know of, properly learning about such food allergies and working with a qualified doctor can help you find ways to control them. It is important if you or a family member has a food allergy that you make it know to those you are frequently in contact with. This includes co-workers, family, friends, neighbors, and daycare providers. This will help them learn about the issue as well as be able to get medical attention to you if the situation arises. The fact that they are able to let medical professionals know you have such food allergies can make all the difference in h how fast they are able to administer treatment.
Peanut allergies are said to be the worst. Not only do they cause the most severe symptoms, peanut oil is used in so many foods that the number of items that the person has to avoid can be very long. Last year, a teenage girl died. She had gone to the library to study with friends. Her boyfriend had eaten a peanut butter sandwich after school before joining them. He gave her a goodbye kiss at the library, and the reaction from the peanut oil swelled her throat shut. While it sounds extremely, sadly such occurrences do take place.
Very young children can have food allergies. It is recommended that you attach a list of any food allergies securely to the diaper bag. This will be a constant reminder to friends, family, and childcare providers. It is important children with food allergies are aware of the reasons why they can’t have certain foods. This will remind them to make the right food choices at school. It is important that your child’s principal and teachers know about the allergies as well. Often there are class parties, and if your child is tempted to eat food they are allergic to, the teacher can remind them.
The Internet is a wonderful place to find out about food allergies. The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network has an excellent website full of information. The organization was formed in 1991. It has over 30,000 members including families, dietitians, nurses, physicians, school administrators, teachers, government staff, and members of the food and drug administration. This diverse group works together to educate about food allergies by providing accurate information and heightening awareness. They carefully monitor TV, newspapers, and the news channels to be sure accurate information is being released to the public. They also lobby for further research to be done in the area of food allergies.
While there is no cure for food allergies that we know of, properly learning about such food allergies and working with a qualified doctor can help you find ways to control them. It is important if you or a family member has a food allergy that you make it know to those you are frequently in contact with. This includes co-workers, family, friends, neighbors, and daycare providers. This will help them learn about the issue as well as be able to get medical attention to you if the situation arises. The fact that they are able to let medical professionals know you have such food allergies can make all the difference in h how fast they are able to administer treatment.
What is An Allergy?
Allergies are the inflammations that result from the sensitivity to certain objects, called allergens. The inflammations occur when the immune system reacts to that particular object. People all over the world suffer from allergies. There are many types of allergies. The most common are seasonal allergies that are the result of certain trees, plants, or pollens in the air at certain times of the year. Other people experience allergies to particular foods or animals.
Symptoms of allergies vary by person. They are classified by degree of severity, including mild, moderate, and severe allergic reactions. While there is no cure for allergies, they can be treated. Most people experience only mild symptoms. They may include watery eyes, itchy skin, a runny nose, coughing, and hives. This type of allergy can be controlled by using an antihistamine. There are several over the counter available, as well as those you can only get with a prescription. You can help reduce the affects by remaining indoors during that time of year. You may also want to consider getting an allergy shot.
For others, the allergic reaction is moderate. Often, the reaction has spread to other parts of the body. They may find it difficult to breath. A severe allergic reaction can be life threatening. This may be the reaction to various molds. Antihistemines, steroids, and immunotherapy can all held remedy the effects.
While very rare, they are a serious matter. Generally these are the result of food allergies. Peanuts, milk, and eggs are the most common. Symptoms include swelling of the face, abdominal pain, cramps, hives, and angioedema which are hives inside the throat. It is important to seek immediate medical attention for symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. Often a shot can help offset the reaction. The hives and rashes take longer to go away. They can be reduced by using a cortisone cream.
Pet allergies are very difficult to control. It may take up to 2 years exposure to an animal to develop and allergic reaction. In addition, it can take months after you have stopped being around that animal or their dander for the symptoms to stop. This makes it hard to pinpoint the animal as they allergen because you can be fine for years, then it develops. Most people think as soon as you are away from the animal it should stop. When it doesn’t they believe it must be something else causing the allergy, so they go back to their routine of interacting with that animal.
An interesting allergy is to latex. The material is often used in gloves many people use to clean their homes. The skin often turns red and itchy. For people with asthma, a latex allergy can be life threatening because it can block the airways.
Some people have a severe allergy to insects, especially those with stingers. They may require medical attention to receive a shot of epinephrine.
Symptoms of allergies vary by person. They are classified by degree of severity, including mild, moderate, and severe allergic reactions. While there is no cure for allergies, they can be treated. Most people experience only mild symptoms. They may include watery eyes, itchy skin, a runny nose, coughing, and hives. This type of allergy can be controlled by using an antihistamine. There are several over the counter available, as well as those you can only get with a prescription. You can help reduce the affects by remaining indoors during that time of year. You may also want to consider getting an allergy shot.
For others, the allergic reaction is moderate. Often, the reaction has spread to other parts of the body. They may find it difficult to breath. A severe allergic reaction can be life threatening. This may be the reaction to various molds. Antihistemines, steroids, and immunotherapy can all held remedy the effects.
While very rare, they are a serious matter. Generally these are the result of food allergies. Peanuts, milk, and eggs are the most common. Symptoms include swelling of the face, abdominal pain, cramps, hives, and angioedema which are hives inside the throat. It is important to seek immediate medical attention for symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. Often a shot can help offset the reaction. The hives and rashes take longer to go away. They can be reduced by using a cortisone cream.
Pet allergies are very difficult to control. It may take up to 2 years exposure to an animal to develop and allergic reaction. In addition, it can take months after you have stopped being around that animal or their dander for the symptoms to stop. This makes it hard to pinpoint the animal as they allergen because you can be fine for years, then it develops. Most people think as soon as you are away from the animal it should stop. When it doesn’t they believe it must be something else causing the allergy, so they go back to their routine of interacting with that animal.
An interesting allergy is to latex. The material is often used in gloves many people use to clean their homes. The skin often turns red and itchy. For people with asthma, a latex allergy can be life threatening because it can block the airways.
Some people have a severe allergy to insects, especially those with stingers. They may require medical attention to receive a shot of epinephrine.
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